On-Going PhD Dissertation at Colorado State University:Water Security:
Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Transboundary Rivers and International Benefit-Sharing Agreements

By William Doan, P.E.

About me

It's Introduction

I’ve spent my career working in a wide range of hydrologic settings using a variety of complex hydrologic analyses for numerous water resources projects on some of the largest and complex river systems in the world, including: the Missouri River, the Mississippi River, the Indus River, the Aral Sea, the Amazon River Basin, and the Jordan River. The analyses I’ve specialized in include: rainfall-runoff analysis, statistical analysis, stochastic-autoregressive analyses, and climate resilience. Additionally, on the behalf of the U.S. Government, I’ve been the lead in technology training, transferring water resources technology, and working on shared international water resources benefits for foreign governments: three years in Afghanistan, five years in Pakistan, and five years in Brazil. These following pages represent examples of these projects spread out over several countries
This on-going dissertation is focused on how potential changes in climate will impact transboundary rivers and the resulting implications to any current international water agreements. Existing international water agreements are typically very fragile documents and adding additional stress of changes in the basin climates has the potential to adversely impact global water security. As a part of this analysis, various methods of climate change analysis will be explored and recommendations on which method(s) provides the best methodology to effectively evaluate changes in transboundary rivers flows. From evaluation of future climates, the effect of these forcing parameters on hydrologic modelling and resulting water management modelling will be evaluated. From the future climate scenario hydrology, impacts to transboundary river flows will be analyzed and alternative water management operational plans will be developed to possibly offset any adverse climate impacts. Methods of transferring these technological analyses to foreign governments will be explored. Colorado State University (CSU) is one of the world’s leading universities in training, research, development and institutional support for water resources and climate change resilience. Finally, will apply all aspects of analyses to several international case-studies throughout the globe which I have extensive real-world experience.

The dissertation is working on answering four basic questions:

1 What are the potential impacts of climate change on Transboundary Rivers?

2 What is the best methods to quantify these potential climate change impacts?

3 How will these impacts affect International Benefit Sharing Agreements?

4 What are potential water resources infrastructure design or operational scenarios that can be employed to mitigate these impacts?

Climate Change and Resilience Analysis

Technical Water Resources Modelling

International Transboundary Water Resources

International Technology Transfer

Colorado State University Research

International Case studies

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Wide Ranging Experience and Skills in All Aspects Water Resources

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